Главная » Статьи » Раздаточный материал

Модальные глаголы (5-7 класс)

Modal verbs


  1. Sing the song



This little baby CAN sleep and cry.

This little birdie CAN tweet and fly.

This old professor CAN speak Chinese.

This man from Holland CAN make good cheese.


This strong footballer CAN kick a ball.

This crafty builder CAN build a wall.

This pretty actress CAN dance and sing.

This big mosquito CAN buzz and sting.


She CAN speak English.

He CAN make rhymes

or say tongue-twisters

a hundred times!

  1. Read the rhymes




I can lump a rope.

You can make a rhyme.

He can juggle balls.

It can tell the time.

You can sing a song.

We can read and write.

You can draw a bear.

They can see at night.




I must go to school.

You must drive a train.

She must clean the house.

He must fly a plane.

It must find a mouse.

We must read and write.

You must watch the stars.

They must march and fight.




I MUSTN’T eat chocolate.

You MUSTN’T smoke cigars.

She MUSTN’T feed the fish.

He MUSTN’T drive fast cars.

It MUSTN’T bark and bite.

We MUSTN’T fight with boys.

You MUSTN’T drink cold juice.

They MUSTN’T break their toys.



What could they do?

I could swim when I was seven.

You could walk when you were two.

He could ski when he was thirty.

She could type at twenty two.

We could surf when we were twenty.

You could skate at sixty six.

When they bought a food processor

they could chop and slice and mix.


Категория: Раздаточный материал | Добавил: mkozhohina (2015-01-15)
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