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Настоящее простое - Present Simple (5-7 класс)

Present Simple

  1. Read the rhymes


I GET UP every morning.

I DRESS and COMB my hair.

I PACK my old green schoolbag

and TAKE my teddy bear.



I WALK to school with Andy,

a friend who LIVES nearby.

We WATCH cars, trams and buses,

that in the street PASS BY.



Camels LIVE in the desert.

Tigers and cheetahs RUN fast.

Blue whales SWIM in the ocean.

Dinosaurs COME from the past.

Rhinos LIVE in the grasslands.

Penguins are birds but don’t fly.

Polar bears SLEEP in the winter.

Swallows FLY high in the sky.

Zebras HAVE black and white stripes.

Monkeys DO tricks at the zoo.

Parrots SAY, “Silly BILLY,”

“Don’t worry” or “How are you.”



Jimmy OFTEN rides his bike.

Peter sometimes walks his dogs.

Wendy SELDOM cleans her room.

Big storks ALWAYS hunt green frogs.

Children SOMETIMES like to joke.

Teachers NEVER understand.

Kittens OFTEN run and jump.

A fairy ALWAYS has a wand




2. Sing the song

- Tell me what you ALWAYS do.



- I ALWAYS like to smile at you.

- Tell me what you NEVER do.



- I NEVER let boys bully you.

- Tell me what you OFTEN do.



- I OFTEN think that I love you.

- Tell me what you SOMETIMES do.



- I sometimes dream I’ll marry you.


Категория: Раздаточный материал | Добавил: mkozhohina (2015-01-22)
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