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Animals and their envoronments
  • This is a bear. Dears live on the land. Forests are their natural environment. They feed on fish, berries, insects, plants and wild honey.
  • This is a hedgehog. Hedgehogs live on the land. Forests are their natural environment. They feed on insects and snakes.
  • This is a seagull. Seagulls live on the sea coast. It’s their natural environment. They feed on fish.
  • This is a gorilla. Gorillas live on the land.  Rain forests (тропические леса), jungle are their natural environment. They feed on fruit and plants.
  • This is an elephant.  Elephants live on the land. Savanna is their natural environment. They feed on fruit and plants.
  • This is a crocodile. Crocodiles live in water.  Tropical rivers are their natural environment. They feed on other animals.
  • This is a reindeer (северный олень).  Reindeers live on the land. Tundra is their natural environment. They feed on moss (мох).
  • This is a fox.  Foxes live on the land. Forests are their natural environment. They feed on small animals, such as mice and hares.
  • This is a butterfly.  Butterflies live on the land. Forests, fields and meadows (луга) are their natural environment. They feed on pollen (пыльца) and nectar (нектар).
  • This is a dragon fly.  Dragon flies live on the land. Forests, fields, meadows and banks of rivers and lakesides are their natural environment. They feed on insects, flies, mosquitoes (комары) and moths (моль). Large dragon flies can eat fish, spiders and frogs.
  • This is a squirrel. Squirrels live on the land. Forests are their natural environment. They feed on nuts, cones (шишки),  berries and mushrooms (грибы).
  • This is a frog.  Frogs live on the land and in water. Wet forests (влажные леса), meadows, banks of rivers and lakesides and swamps (болота) are their natural environment. They feed on insects: flies, mosquitoes, beetles (жуки), spiders (пауки), worms (червяки), snails (улитки) and caterpillars (гусеницы).
  • This is a swallow (ласточка). Swallows live in the air. Gardens and parks in towns and villages are their natural environment. They feed on insects: small flies and beetles, mosquitoes.
Категория: Внеурочная деятельность | Добавил: mkozhohina (2017-04-29)
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